Monday, February 13, 2012

Vietnam War Blog

After World War II, the United States was finished being allies with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  They supported another form of government where all are equal, known as communism.  Because this new form of government threatened Democracy, the form of government Americans hold dear and tend to take for granted, Senator Joseph McCarthy began accusing random people of supporting the communist regime and against the United States.  The mentality of the situation was: if you support communism, you are an enemy and a traitor.
In addition, because Communist China was aiding the spread of communism in Vietnam, the United States Army aided the civil war between both sides of Vietnam.  Vietnam was formerly a French colony, and the French were ousted from the country.  As a result, the army entered Vietnam to aid those fighting the communism.
However, this was not very well-received by the American people, and youth groups such as the Youth International Party, known more commonly as the Yippies, held public protests against the war.  Sometimes, however, the protests result in fighting and attacks by the police, similarly to the 1968 Democratic National convention protests in Chicago.  There were mixed opinions to which side was correct, but the strife of the war within Vietnam and outside of Vietnam were evident.

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