Sunday, January 15, 2012

American Dream and Gatsby

Gatsby, after being a janitor to pay his way through college, was an assistant to a rich man with a yacht, where he was inspired to become rich and realized the American Dream.  Gatsby's American Dream was to be wealthy, have a huge house, and all the fine things that money is physically able to buy, such as expensive clothing, cars, parties, and multiple homes.  In his mind, attaining all of this would help him get his true love, Daisy.  In many respects, Gatsby's vision of achieving the American Dream still rings true today for many Americans.  Unfortunately, the economic realities Americans are faced with today are making the American Dream less achievable for young people today.  In the article, "Great Recession Means a Diminished American Dream for Young Adults," the author describes that "the house, the 2.5 kids, the stable career path might not be possible for an entire generation of Americans".  Faced with high unemployment, many people in their 20s and 30s are still living at home, renting apartments instead of purchasing homes, and putting off marriage and children.  According to this article, people will be occupied with their financial problems, and will focus less on the American Dream, which could be a huge cultural change for American society.  The optimism and persistence Americans like Gatsby once had to achieve this dream is now potentially less important to young people.

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